Welcome to Hidden Creek Golf Course

Great Golf in Burleson, Texas

Hidden Creek Golf Course exists to provide the citizens and property owners of the City of Burleson with a high quality golf experience at a reasonable price. The golf course also provides a healthy outdoor recreational opportunity for the citizens to allow them time with their friends and family, provides a destination for over 25,000 non-residents to come to Burleson to play golf and typically spend additional money in the community, and also provides a venue for multiple corporations and charities to host a golf outing and raise money.

If you are looking for an exciting golf course to visit at a great value, look no more. Hidden Creek Golf Course is the place for you. Located in Burleson, Texas, we offer a challenging course that will test your skills and provide hours of enjoyment.

Our professional staff is always friendly and ready to help with a smile. We pride ourselves on our excellent service and course conditions.

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Hidden Creek

555 E Hidden Creek Pkwy

Burleson, TX 76028

PHONE: (817) 447-4444

EMAIL: hiddencreekgolftx@gmail.com

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